The Flame Throwing Beer Dispensing Totem Pole

I had been researching ancient Japanese Buddhist statues and at the time would joke that if something didn’t have a beer opener then it wasn’t very functional. That evolved into learning about dragons, beer, and early civilization. Out of that came the idea of a flame throwing beer dispensing totem pole.

Carving the totem pole
Coopering is the art of making barrels from wood. I used that technique to build the cylinder for the totem pole. After the cylinder was made I transferred the dragon pattern and began carving.

After carving the cylinder was covered with gesso.
painted totem pole
The totem pole was painted with many layers of glaze and color along with silver and gold leaf.
Maker Faire
I brought the Flame Throwing Beer Dispensing Totem Pole to Maker Faire.

Poofing the pole outside of the Maker Faire building.